TinyOS Network Protocol Working Group

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Last modified: September 10, 2010


Omprakash Gnawali <gnawali at usc dot edu>


We define the programming interfaces to network protocols in TinyOS 2.x, specify and document protocols to support interoperability between different implementations, and provide and support reference protocol implementations in TinyOS 2.x. So far, we have released CTP, MultihopLQI, Drip, DIP, and Deluge protocols.


The TinyOS 2.0 Network Protocol Working Group (net2) is responsible for

* defining the programming interfaces to network protocols in TinyOS 2.x,
* specifying and documenting protocols to support interoperability between different implementations, and
* providing and supporting reference protocol implementations.

Link to net2 page on tinyos.net: http://www.tinyos.net/scoop/special/working_group_tinyos_2-0_network_protocol


Omprakash Gnawali <gnawali at cs dot stanford dot edu>


* Markus Becker           {{{<mab at comnets dot uni-bremen dot de>}}}
* Jan Beutel              {{{<j dot beutel at ieee dot org>}}}
* Thanh Dang              {{{<dangtx at pdx dot edu>}}}
* Rodrigo Fonseca         {{{<rfonseca at cs dot berkeley dot edu>}}}
* Omprakash Gnawali       {{{<gnawali at cs dot stanford dot edu>}}}
* Stephen Dawson-Haggerty {{{<stevedh at eecs dot berkeley dot edu}}}
* Johnatan Hui            {{{<jwhui at cs dot berkeley dot edu>}}}
* Kyle Jamieson           {{{<jamieson at mit dot edu>}}}
* Sukun Kim               {{{<binetude at eecs dot berkeley dot edu>}}}
* Jeonggil Ko             {{{<jgko at cs dot jhu dot edu>}}}
* Chieh-Jan (Mike) Liang              {{{<cliang4 at cs dot jhu dot edu>}}}
* Philip Levis            {{{<pal at cs dot stanford dot edu>}}}
* Kaisen Lin              {{{<kaisenl at cs dot ucsd dot edu>}}}
* Geoffrey Mainland       {{{<mainland at eecs dot harvard dot edu>}}}
* Răzvan Musăloiu-E.      {{{<razvanm at cs dot jhu dot edu}}}
* Jorge Ortiz             {{{<jortiz at cs dot berkeley dot edu}}}
* Joe Polastre            {{{<joe at polastre dot com>}}}
* Arsalan Tavakoli        {{{<arsalan at eecs dot berkeley dot edu>}}}
* Romain Thouvenin        {{{<romain dot thouvenin at gmail dot com>}}}
* Gilman Tolle            {{{<get at cs dot berkeley dot edu>}}}
* Martin Turon            {{{<mturon at xbow dot com>}}}

Past members: Ning Xu, Matus Harvan, Kristin Wright

Goals for 2011

* Network protocol testing suite
* Network protocol simulation tutorial
* Source routing
* Finalize TEPs
 * TEP 136 (IP on TinyOS)
 * TEP 138 (Source routing interfaces)
 * TEP 139 (Source routing protocol)

Mailing Lists

net2-wg@mail.millennium.berkeley.edu (open only to WG members).

Archives: http://mail.millennium.berkeley.edu/pipermail/net2-wg/ (publicly accessible)

Please send public discussions/comments to: tinyos-devel@mail.millennium.berkeley.edu

Relevant TinyOS Enhancement Proposals (TEPs)

In TinyOS, TEPs are used to document and standardize OS implementations, interfaces, mechanisms, and programming conventions. The Network Protocol Working Group has contributed TEPs that propose, document, and specify network protocols. The TEPs are available at http://tinyos.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tinyos/tinyos-2.x/doc/txt.

TEP !!Title !!Type !!Status !!Authors !!Link !! 4 !!Active Message ID Allocation for Network Protocols and Applications !!Best Current Practice !!Final !!Omprakash Gnawali !![[1]] 118 !!Dissemination of Small Values !!Documentary !!Final !!Philip Levis and Gilman Tolle !![[2]] 119 !!Collection !!Documentary !!Final !!Rodrigo Fonseca, Omprakash Gnawali, Kyle Jamieson, and Philip Levis !![[3]] 123 !!The Collection Tree Protocol (CTP) !!Documentary !!Final !!Rodrigo Fonseca, Omprakash Gnawali, Kyle Jamieson, Sukun Kim, Philip Levis, and Alec Woo !![[4]] 124 !!The Link Estimation Exchange Protocol (LEEP) !!Documentary !!Final !!Omprakash Gnawali !![[5]] 135 !!Active Message ID Allocation in TinyOS 2.1 !!Informational !!Draft !!Omprakash Gnawali !![[6]] 136 !!Roadmap to an IP Stack in TinyOS !!Informational !!Draft !!Stephen Dawson-Haggerty, Matus Harvan, and Omprakash Gnawali !![[7]]

Meeting Notes

* 04/29/2011: Blip/RPL/CoAP status and plans
* 01/14/2011: MRHOF
* 01/07/2011: SRP
* 11/19/2010: Blip + RPL updates
* 11/12/2010: AMAC and CTP bug reports
* 10/22/2010: Protocol testing
* 10/15/2010: 6lowpan/RPL
* 09/24/2010: source routing
* 08/27/2010: Protocol testing, source routing
* 08/13/2010: RPL/6lowpan
* 07/30/2010: Source routing, protocol testing
* 07/09/2010: Source routing, protocol testing
* 06/25/2010: Source routing
* 06/18/2010: Source routing, Protocol testing suite
* 06/11/2010: Source routing
* 05/30/2010: Source routing, Dissemination tests
* 05/07/2010: Source routing
* 04/16/2010: CTP in long term deployments, future projects
* 03/19/2010: Future projects, CTP bugs
* 01/29/2010: CTP ETX representation, BLS
* 01/15/2010: TOS 2.1.1 testing status, CTP feedback
* 12/18/2009: TOS 2.1.1 testing status
* 12/04/2009: blip platform driver, dhv, link estimation
* 11/20/2009: Potential net2 protocols, Review of 2009 goals, Low-Power Listening
* 09/18/2009: TOS 2.1.1 release status
* 09/11/2009: TOS 2.1.1 release status
* 08/28/2009: ctp bug, dhv/blip release schedule
* 08/14/2009: bls, drip/dip/dhv, ctp
* 08/07/2009: 4bitle bug, 15.4 tack for BLIP
* 06/12/2009: BLIP and BLS; 2.1.1 release schedule
* 05/29/2009: msg buffer
* 05/22/2009: msg buffer, release roadmap
* 05/01/2009: BLS; CTP clean up + Rincon
* 04/10/2009: CTP clean up, Standardizing startup/init, Responding to changed AM address, IPSN Tutorial
* 02/27/2009: IPSN Tutorial
* 02/13/2009: Logging, IPSN Tutorial
* 02/06/2009: Telecon sponsor, Point-to-point
* 01/30/2009: Projects for 2009
* 01/16/2009: TEP 123, IPSN Tutorial, ZigBee WG, IP Stack
* 01/09/2009: TEP 123, IPSN Tutorial, CTP+LPL
* 12/12/2008: CTP+LPL, IP Stack
* 12/05/2008: CTP+LPL, TEP124, 6lowpan
* 10/17/2008: TEP, 15.4/Zigbee WG
* 09/12/2008: TEP 123 and TEP 124, code policy
* 08/08/2008: CTP white bit and net2 plans
* 07/25/2008: Testing for 2.1 release, 6lowpan
* 07/18/2008: 2.1 Release Plan, TEP 119 Comments, Zigbee/15.4 WG
* 06/27/2008: TEP 4/135, Release
* 06/20/2008: TEP 4/135, CTP, Release
* 06/13/2008: CTP and LPL, Release, PySerial
* 05/30/2008: LPL, Release, TEP4
* 05/23/2008: LPL API, Release
* 05/16/2008: LPL API, TEP 4, ZigBee
* 05/09/2008: TYMO, CTP, TEP 4, ZigBee
* 05/02/2008: Collection TEP, AM ID allocation and CTP with LPL
* 04/25/2008: Administrative updates and CTP PULL bit
* 03/21/2008: Python Support and CTP Beacons
* 03/14/2008: Timers in CTP and CTP++
* 03/07/2008: Charter and low power
* 02/29/2008: TTX
* 02/15/2008: TEP 118/DIP/TTX
* 02/08/2008: Status of projects/TTX
* 01/25/2008: CTP/Deluge/DIP
* 01/18/2008: Deluge
* 01/11/2008: CTP problems and tests/DIP
* 12/21/2007: Collection, Deluge, DIP, Zigbee/6lowpan
* 12/14/2007: Collection
* 12/07/2007: Commits, 6lowpan, Collection
* 11/30/2007: 4-Bit LE HotNets Feedback, 6lowpan Directory, DIP
* 11/09/2007: 6lowpan code and CTP over LPL
* 10/12/2007: SP and 4B status
* 10/05/2007: 4B status and SP
* 09/28/2007: 4B todos and link/layer SP
* 09/21/2007: CTP and Link Layer/SP
* 09/07/2007: Dissemination, packet copies, and 4BLE
* 08/24/2007: TEP 118 and 119, lib/net dir structure, Arsalan's LL work, LPL with dissemination and CTP
* 08/17/2007: CTP next steps, TEPs, Arsalan's LL work, Packet interface with message pool
* 07/27/2007: White bit, 6lopan, 2.0.2
* 07/20/2007: White Bit, Dissemination
* 07/13/2007: 2.0.2 Tasks, White Bit, 6lopan
* 06/15/2007: CTP, Deluge
* 06/08/2007: CTP etc.
* 06/01/2007: Deluge, other projects (Zigbee, DYMO, 6lowpan)
* 05/25/2007: Deluge, CTP, other projects (Zigbee, DYMO, 6lowpan)
* 05/11/2007: TTX, Deluge, CTP refinement
* 05/04/2007: TTX, Deluge
* 04/20/2007: TTX preparation, Deluge and ZigBee
* 04/06/2007: TEPs 118 and 119 review
* 03/01/2007: Queue Control interface; new meeting time; zigbee and other interests
* 02/22/2007: net2wg Future Directions
* 02/15/2007: Interoperability, Finalizing TEPs, Starting other efforts on the group
* 02/08/2007: Finalize the name for Link Quality estimation/discovery protocol, Discussion on TEP124
* 02/01/2007: Link Quality Estimation, CTP Status
* 01/25/2007: CTP next steps. CTP Interoperability.
* 11/09/2006: Feedback from Sensys. Next Steps. Congestion control.
* 10/19/2006: Link Layer Abstraction, Testing CTP
* 10/12/2006: Progress on CTP
* 09/28/2006: Link Layer Interface, Status Update
* 09/21/2006: Link Layer Abstraction, Collection Protocol
* 08/24/2006: Link Layer interface document
* 08/17/2006: Link layer abstraction, TEP 123
* 08/10/2006: Link Layer, towards requirements
* 08/03/2006: Link Layer: What do we want from the abstraction? (Related discussion here)
* 07/27/2006: Link Layer Abstraction
* 07/20/2006: link layer, SP, congestion
* 06/29/2006: Loop handling, link estimation, neighbor table management, and release
* 06/08/2006: Final testing, shared control byte, role of group re: standards...
* 05/25/2006: Dissemination, Testing Collection
* 04/27/2006: Link and network level names, packet formats, piggybacking, loop-free routing...
* 04/20/2006: Detailed discussion on Collection Checked-in Configurations
* ...
* 02/09/2006: No meeting scheduled.
* 02/02/2006: Status, TTX3 plans, Future directions
* 01/26/2006: Status, TTX3 Plan
* 01/19/2006: Collection Signature, Coll/Diss Status, Zigbee
* 01/12/2006: AM Virtualization, Protocols vs. Systems, status
* 01/05/2006: Collection components, Schedule, Virtualization
* 12/22/2006: Dissemination, Collection, Development plan
* 12/15/2005: Group membership, Collection, Dissemination Follow-up