The simplest TinyOS program

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There is some value in knowing the the simplest code that can be compiled without errors. The C equivalent is

int main () {
  return 0;

which is written in a file, say, simple.c and compiled with the command

$ gcc test.c

which produces the executable file a.out, which of course does nothing!

In TinyOS, to get the same thing, you need to create three files. Suppose the program we create is called Simple.

0. Create a new directory to put the files. We can name this directory Simple:

$ mkdir Simple
$ cd Simple

1. You need to create a Configuration file (following the suggested naming convention).

configuration SimpleAppC{
	components SimpleC, MainC;

	SimpleC.Boot -> MainC.Boot;

There are two components in this program: your component called SimpleC and the Main component MainC. The MainC component provides the Boot.booted signal which essentially is the entry point of the application.

2. You need to create the Component file This has definition (implementation) of the component SimpleC.

module SimpleC{
	uses interface Boot;

	event void Boot.booted()

3. Now you need to create a Makefile so that the compiler can compile it. Create the file called Makefile with the following two lines:

include $(MAKERULES)

I.e., you put the name of the top level configuration in the COMPONENT field.

Now you are ready to compile:

$ make micaz

which should work successfully provided you have set up the environment properly.