The tunit.xml file is the file responsible for telling TUnit which physical hardware platforms are attached to the computer. This includes information about which combinations of hardware to test, how to program them, how to talk to them, and any special compile flags necessary for that particular platform or test run.
TUnit comes with an example tunit.xml file with the name tunit_example.xml. Developers must create their own tunit.xml file to describe their hardware connected to the computer.
Each time the hardware connected to the computer is changed, the tunit.xml file must be updated to reflect the latest hardware.
Test Runs
The tunit.xml file is divided up into several Test Runs containing one or more mote hardware platforms to test. Each Test Run is given a name which is used to identify tests that failed.
<testrun name="tmote"> ... </testrun>
Inside of each Test Run, individual hardware is identified within the mote tags. The mote tag may take several arguments, some of which are optional:
<mote target="telosb" motecom="serial@COM6:tmote" installextras="bsl,5" buildextras="lpl" />
target is the name of the platform used at compile time, like tmote or iris motecom describes how to connect using serial forwarder installextras are optionally anything else to include in the make command for installing the program to the node buildextras are optionally anything else to always include in the make command for compiling the program
The above <mote ... /> line would translate into the equivalent command-line commands:
make telosb lpl make telosb reinstall.0 bsl,5 [serial forwarder] -comm serial@COM6:tmote -port 9000
Setup a test run for a telosb or tmote platform currently connected to your computer:
<testrun name="single_telosb"> <mote target="telosb" motecom="serial@COM6:tmote" installextras="bsl,5" /> </testrun>
Setup a test run for a micaz platform:
<testrun name="single_micaz"> <mote target="micaz" motecom="serial@COM11:micaz" installextras="mib510,/dev/ttyS9" /> </testrun>
Run tests that apply to two telosb's. The application will compile a single time since the two platforms and compile time options do not differ.
<testrun name="single_micaz"> <mote target="telosb" motecom="serial@COM6:tmote" installextras="bsl,5" /> <mote target="telosb" motecom="serial@COM7:tmote" installextras="bsl,6" /> </testrun> Equivalent command-line commands TUnit uses for compiling and installing test applications for this test run: make telosb make telosb reinstall.0 bsl,5 make telosb reinstall.1 bsl,6 [serial forwarder] -comm serial@COM6:tmote -port 9000 [serial forwarder] -comm serial@COM7:tmote -port 9001
Run tests that apply to both a telosb and a micaz. The application will be compiled once for each different platform, for a total of 2 compilations. The telosb, being the first mote entry of the test run, is the Driving Node of the test:
<testrun name="single_micaz"> <mote target="telosb" motecom="serial@COM6:tmote" installextras="bsl,5" /> <mote target="micaz" motecom="serial@COM11:micaz" installextras="mib510,/dev/ttyS9" /> </testrun> Equivalent command-line commands TUnit uses for compiling and installing test applications for this test run: make telosb make telosb reinstall.0 bsl,5 make micaz make micaz reinstall.1 mib510,/dev/ttyS9 [serial forwarder] -comm serial@COM6:tmote -port 9000 [serial forwarder] -comm serial@COM11:micaz -port 9001
Run a test with two telosb's, but include an extra compile flag for one of the platforms. Because the compile-time options differ, the application will be compiled once for each platform:
<testrun name="single_micaz"> <mote target="telosb" motecom="serial@COM6:tmote" installextras="bsl,5" /> <mote target="telosb" motecom="serial@COM7:tmote" installextras="bsl,6" buildextras="lpl" /> </testrun> Equivalent command-line commands TUnit uses for compiling and installing test applications for this test run: make telosb make telosb reinstall.0 bsl,5 make telosb lpl make telosb reinstall.1 bsl,6 [serial forwarder] -comm serial@COM6:tmote -port 9000 [serial forwarder] -comm serial@COM7:tmote -port 9001