TinyOS Documentation Wiki

From TinyOS Wiki
Revision as of 11:54, 20 September 2008 by Cire (talk | contribs)
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This is the TinyOS Documentation Wiki. Everyone is welcome to edit these pages and contribute TinyOS documentation. In order to edit, you must first create an account, using the link on the upper right (Login / create account). Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.

Using TinyOS

Getting started: downloading and installing TinyOS
The simplest TinyOS program: simple example code that compiles
Using TinyOS: tutorials and programming guides


  • TinyOS Programming Manual: This is a detailed (200 page) book on programming TinyOS 2.0. The tutorials get you started with practical matters like uploading code and programming basics. The TinyOS Programming Manual digs into the details of why TinyOS is designed as it is. It also describes many of the advanced features, implementations, and programming approaches used. For example, one chapter describes a series of common software design patterns found in TinyOS code.

Source Code Documentation: HTML documentation of TinyOS source code
Platform Hardware layouts, chips, and other details
Other: Other documentation

Site and other content

Index: all of the available pages on this site
Search engine: search TinyOS documentation and mailing lists
WikiDoc: wiki documentation

You are encouraged to contribute documentation to this site simply by editing this page and adding a link to a new (empty) page. Come back and click on that link and start creating content for the new page. Don't worry too much about organization right now, since we can re-organize things later on if need be. If you are not familiar with the Wiki system, consult the User's Guide.

We prefer all documentation to live on this site, rather than having links to external sites, but if you really need to point at an external site, external links are OK too.