Contact: Miklos Maroti, Brano Kusy
Institution: Vanderbilt University, Stanford University
License: Vanderbilt/Stanford BSD License
Date Modified: August, 2008
Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol (FTSP) is an ad-hoc, multi-hop time synchronization protocol for WSNs. It achieves high accuracy by utilizing timestamping of radio messages in low layers of radio stack, completely eliminating access time to the radio channel required in CSMA MAC protocols. Further accuracy is achieved by compensating for clock skews of participating nodes via linear regression. Several mechanisms are used to provide robustness against node and link failures, most notably periodic flooding of synchronization messages throughout the whole network. FTSP uses relatively low communication bandwidth by using one-way traffic for synchronization. FTSP is an in-network timesync protocol - one of the nodes is selected to be the root which is responsible for broadcasting global time.