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TinyRPL, is the TinyOS implementation of the IETF's IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks (RPL). The current implementation of TinyRPL, is baed on the 17th revision of the RPL draft. Other drafts that support RPL (e.g., trickle, of0, metrics) are based on their respective updates up to the same point.


This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing a RPL network of nodes which includes an edge router, routing nodes, and leaf nodes. Note that the TinyRPL implementation is highly interconnected with the BLIP/6LoWPAN implementation in TinyOS.

RPL and TinyRPL introduction

Given the new challenges that low power and lossy networks pose, the IETF has recently proposed the IPv6 Routing Protocol for LLNs (RPL), which provides a mechanism to deal with multipoint-to-point traffic (i.e., collection), as well as point-to-multipoint and point-to-point traffic. RPL finds neighbors and establishes routes using ICMPv6 message exchanges and manages routes based on the a 'rank' value that represents nodes' relative position to the root of the routing tree.

TinyOS' implementation of RPL, TinyRPL, implements routing support for the three different traffic that RPL supports. Once a mote boots up with TinyRPL, TinyRPL will operate in the 'background' of an application to exchange route related messages with other RPL-using nodes. The RPL Routing Engine begins its operations once a global address is allocated using the DHCPv6 process. Once the RPL routing engine starts exchanging DIO and DAO messages, it can receive packets from the application layers. The packet-sending IP interface can be connected identically to the ways that they are wired in blip. Once the packet reaches the point to discover the next hop address (on the blip stack), RPL's routing table will be called to retrieve the next hop IPv6 address for the specified destination.

Platform support

Currently TinyRPL is supported on all platforms supported by blip.

TinyRPL interfaces

Note that the application does not need direct connections to any of these interfaces. These interfaces are internally connected to the blip/6lowpan layer (see Section on "RPL and TinyRPL introduction"). These interfaces are positioned within tos/lib/rpl/.

- interface RPLRank

- interface RPLRoutingEngine

- interface RPLDAORoutingEngine

- interface RPLOF

Related interfaces

- interface RootControl

TinyRPL uses the generic RootControl interface to set the root of the RPL DODAG.

Makefile configuration


Indicates that the RPL routing protocol will be used.


Indicates the storing mode of the RPL routing protocol will be used. While the non-storing mode has not yet been implemented, it will have a PFLAG of -DRPL_NON_STORING_MODE.

- PFLAGS += -I$(LOWPAN_ROOT)/tos/lib/net/rpl

Points the Makefile to the TinyRPL implementation directory.

Configuration file modifications

components RPLRoutingC; The configuration file for the application layer should add the RPLRoutingC component.

Implementation file modifications

For the node that will act as the root of the routing tree (e.g., the edge router), the implementation file should use the RootControl() interface. The RootControl interface should be connected to the RPLRoutingC component.


The current implementations of TinyRPL supports only the storing mode of RPL. The non storing mode implementations are soon to be supported. Also TinyRPL supports only a single RPLInstanceID while supporting multiple DODAGIDs and does not support the security options.
